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Truckers Insurance

Do You Have Insurance For Your Drive Home? If You’re Not Sure, Check Your Bobtail Liability Policy

Insurance coverage gets complicated in the trucking world. Different business relationships in different contexts mean the carrier you contract with is liable for damages at certain parts of the route, while you might be responsible for other parts of the journey. This is especially true for owner-operators once the job is complete, and this is when bobtail insurance steps in. What is bobtail liability insurance, and […]

Treat Every Day Like Brake Safety Day to Keep Your Insurance Rates Low

Safety violations can have long-term ramifications on both your CDL and your trucking insurance. Pre-inspections before each trip can help you catch lost reflector tape, broken lights, and worn tires before inspectors do. It can also help you monitor changes in your braking systems, which is the key area of focus for the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Operation Airbrake Program. On September 7, 2017, the […]

Five More Months Until Proposed Deadline of Mandated Login for All Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released a federal mandate requiring all truck drivers to electronically document driving hours, but so far the administration has not released a plan on that requirement will be monitored. There are fewer than five months until the deadline for all truckers to switch from paper to electronics, and the mandate is supposed to go into effect and be enforced […]

Three Tips for Lowering Your Semi-Truck Insurance Rates

If you’re a new owner operator, you might be looking at an annual bill of between ten and sixteen thousand dollars. Gaining experience and keeping your driving record clean could help it fall between nine and twelve thousand dollars, but that still leaves you with a large bill. While a good driving record with few claims is the best way to keep your insurance low […]

What Makes a Great Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver?

Truck driving isn’t an easy profession. It’s among the most dangerous of jobs and has a high turnover rate. What attracts people to commercial or owner operator truck driving? Some drivers like being alone on the road, or not having a boss looking over their shoulder, or being paid to travel. While these and other motivations bring people into truck driving, they have less to […]

Three Tornado Myths Best Ignored by Owners or Commercial Truckers

Most tornado’s strike from March through June and occur in the late afternoon. However, they’ve been known to occur during every month of the year and during any hour of the day, including night. This means the commercial or owner operator truck driver shouldn’t let his guard down in the mornings, evenings, or later in the summer. If a big thunderstorm can hit, so can […]

Truck Insurance in South Carolina for Tow Trucks

South Carolina Tow Truck Insurance Company – Make Sure You Have Adequate Tow Truck Insurance If you own a tow truck in South Carolina, then you know you’re out there on the roads and highways every day helping motorists. While you provide a valuable service, it’s important to make sure you have adequate South Carolina tow truck insurance for your tow truck or rig. When […]

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