The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released a federal mandate requiring all truck drivers to electronically document driving hours, but so far the administration has not released a plan on that requirement will be monitored. There are fewer than five months until the deadline for all truckers to switch from paper to electronics, and the mandate is supposed to go into effect and be enforced starting December 18.
Why has the FMCSA mandated electronic records?
According to the research, electronic logging will make more drivers adhere to the eleven hours of driving per day limit. The administration is estimating that the switch will save twenty-six lives a year and prevent 1,844 crashes. It will also help the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, as well as other inspection and law enforcement groups, save millions in paperwork and manual document review.
How will electronic monitoring work?
Many larger carriers already use electronic devices, both as part of internal company changes and to follow the mandate. The devices work by syncing up to your semi-truck’s engine and monitors for movement so it can record driving times. These parts cost between $500 and $700 and also have an additional monthly service fee. The cost is forcing many small carriers and independent drivers to wait as long as possible before complying.
Each of the devices, called ELDs, will comply with standards established in the mandate, but it is less clear how inspection agencies will monitor and enforce the mandate. Many trucking associations, such as the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, have asked for specifics regarding implementation and regulation, but the FMCSA has responded by saying that training and inspection information will be rolled out in the spring. Your trucking insurance and regulatory requirements are becoming more and more linked; go to J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC for more advice on keeping your premiums low. We provide commercial truck insurance in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska.