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Truck Liability Insurance

When Do You Need Different Levels of Liability Coverage?

Liability insurance, which covers damages done to other’s property and third-party injuries that you and your drivers are liable for, is required across the country. Different amounts exist not only for different circumstances, such as bobtailing or cargo damage but also for different types of cargo and different sizes of vehicles. As a general rule, you need at least $300,000 trucking liability insurance for bodily […]

What’s the Difference Between Liability Coverage and Cargo Insurance?

One of the biggest liabilities commercial truck drivers and carriers face is damage done to other people. Whether it’s through a collision, unsafe driving, or unsecured cargo, truckers can be held liable for a lot of damage done to third parties. Make sure your insurance coverage thoroughly protects you and your business, and make sure the different policies do what you expect. What’s the difference […]

What to Keep in Mind as You’re Reviewing or Changing Your Semi Truck Insurance

The trucking business is constantly changing. The cargo and routes you transport one year might be completely different the next, and your semi truck insurance should change alongside your business. By reviewing your policy every year, or whenever you note a major shift in the size, sector, or common regions of your business, you can make sure you’re getting the coverage you need. Here’s a […]

How Are Commercial Trucking Regulations Impacting Iowa Agriculture?

The agriculture industry ebbs and flows around the calendar in Iowa and other states with an emphasis on farming. While many larger farms have dedicated trucks owned by the business for transporting crops to elevators and processors, smaller farms rely on third-party truckers, and even then long lines and sudden surges in harvests slow down the transportation lines. What changes trucking regulation are impacting the industry […]

Getting Your Truck Ready for the Fall

It’s almost fall, and Nebraska is starting to get brisk temperatures already. If you’re going to be truck driving during the autumn and winter, most of your focus might be on getting the exterior and mechanical parts of your truck checked out: making sure you have snow chains for your tires, checking rubber seals and gaskets, and making sure the top of your trailer is […]

Five More Months Until Proposed Deadline of Mandated Login for All Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released a federal mandate requiring all truck drivers to electronically document driving hours, but so far the administration has not released a plan on that requirement will be monitored. There are fewer than five months until the deadline for all truckers to switch from paper to electronics, and the mandate is supposed to go into effect and be enforced […]

Three Tips for Lowering Your Semi-Truck Insurance Rates

If you’re a new owner operator, you might be looking at an annual bill of between ten and sixteen thousand dollars. Gaining experience and keeping your driving record clean could help it fall between nine and twelve thousand dollars, but that still leaves you with a large bill. While a good driving record with few claims is the best way to keep your insurance low […]

What Makes a Great Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver?

Truck driving isn’t an easy profession. It’s among the most dangerous of jobs and has a high turnover rate. What attracts people to commercial or owner operator truck driving? Some drivers like being alone on the road, or not having a boss looking over their shoulder, or being paid to travel. While these and other motivations bring people into truck driving, they have less to […]

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