Commercial Truck Insurance

Getting Ready for Bad Weather: Keep Your Truck Insurance Low with Preparation

Nebraska can be home to some pretty nasty weather. While snow storms might not be spiraling across the Midwest just yet, tornadoes, torrential rain, and other storms can make driving a large truck a lot more dangerous. Here are some tips on how to handle storms, both before and during the bad weather, to keep yourself safe; preventing collisions and danger to yourself can also help […]

Getting Your Truck Ready for the Fall

It’s almost fall, and Nebraska is starting to get brisk temperatures already. If you’re going to be truck driving during the autumn and winter, most of your focus might be on getting the exterior and mechanical parts of your truck checked out: making sure you have snow chains for your tires, checking rubber seals and gaskets, and making sure the top of your trailer is […]

Do You Have Insurance For Your Drive Home? If You’re Not Sure, Check Your Bobtail Liability Policy

Insurance coverage gets complicated in the trucking world. Different business relationships in different contexts mean the carrier you contract with is liable for damages at certain parts of the route, while you might be responsible for other parts of the journey. This is especially true for owner-operators once the job is complete, and this is when bobtail insurance steps in. What is bobtail liability insurance, and […]

Treat Every Day Like Brake Safety Day to Keep Your Insurance Rates Low

Safety violations can have long-term ramifications on both your CDL and your trucking insurance. Pre-inspections before each trip can help you catch lost reflector tape, broken lights, and worn tires before inspectors do. It can also help you monitor changes in your braking systems, which is the key area of focus for the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Operation Airbrake Program. On September 7, 2017, the […]

Texas Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance: Safety Tips for Hauling Heavy Construction Equipment

Hauling heavy construction equipment is a big responsibility. Their cost ranges from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands. For the higher end equipment, you’re hauling something with the same value as a medium-sized house. With so much on the line, you can’t afford to make safety mistakes. Avoid costly cargo damage and a Texas commercial or owner operator truck insurance claim by following […]

How the South Carolina Trucker Shortage Can Help Your Insurance Coverage

South Carolina has been facing a trucker shortage for the past five years, and even across the nation the trucking industry was approximately fifty thousand drivers short. This means states like South Carolina and Ohio are offering more and more incentives for new drivers, such as tuition reimbursement for CDL courses, trucking routes that let drivers return home each day, and financial incentives for entry-level […]

Handy Tools and Comfort Items for the Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver

Tools are a necessity for the commercial or owner operator truck driver. This of course, is no big revelation. Screw drivers, various types of wrenches, a hammer, and a tire pressure gauge are some of the items every truck driver should have in their toolbox. Beyond that however, there are tools and other items, while not absolutely necessary, will make a big difference in making […]

Build Healthy Driving Habits Through Nutrition

Nebraska is regularly ranked within the top fifteen healthiest states, but good health can be a little hard to maintain when you’re a truck driver. Heart disease, high cholesterol, and sleep disorders are all major health risks that can easily creep up on you due to the schedule and job requirements. But creating an actively preventative plan to mitigate those risks not only help keep you […]

Tips for Keeping Your Truckers Insurance Premiums Low with Safer Driving

Commercial truck insurance, whether you are travel through Illinois regularly or it’s just one state on your interstate route, is based on the risk factors you present. A new driver with little to no experience can face higher premiums than one who has spent ten years in the business, and a semi-truck driver with fewer claims against them gets a lower premium because they’re safer […]

Fight Off Driver Fatigue with Good Planning while driving the long roads in Nebraska

Nebraska is home to one of the longest straight roads in the world: I-80W at 77.7 miles. That’s an hour of highway hypnosis waiting for you just outside of Lincoln, and the northern Midwest has plenty of other stretches of highway that can test even the most well-rested driver. Combined with driver fatigue, a common condition caused by too many driving hours or not enough […]