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Cargo Insurance

How the ELD Mandate Might Impact Your Insurance

ELDs and their associated legislation were designed to make truckers and general drivers safer. But that might not be the case for the first few months of adjustment. Here are two areas of coverage you should consider adding or adding to on your insurance policy. What coverage should you consider increasing during the first few months of ELDs? Make sure your cargo coverage is up-to-date […]

Cargo Insurance: Why Your Trucking Business Needs It

It’s easy to understand why insuring your trucks is important. You can’t run your business without them, and there are many ways they can be damaged or lost. Bad weather, bad drivers on the road, and even bad luck can damage or total any of your trucks in an accident. Theft is yet another risk. You also understand that setting aside money to cover the […]

What to Keep in Mind as You’re Reviewing or Changing Your Semi Truck Insurance

The trucking business is constantly changing. The cargo and routes you transport one year might be completely different the next, and your semi truck insurance should change alongside your business. By reviewing your policy every year, or whenever you note a major shift in the size, sector, or common regions of your business, you can make sure you’re getting the coverage you need. Here’s a […]

Lower Your Trucking Insurance with Windstorm Safety in Illinois

Illinois is one of the top five states when it comes to wind and hail damage because of its forceful wind storms and wild weather. Wind, in particular, can pose a large amount of danger to truck drivers making their way through the state. Here are a few steps to keep your truck and trailer safe during windy routes and keep your insurance premiums low: […]

Five More Months Until Proposed Deadline of Mandated Login for All Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released a federal mandate requiring all truck drivers to electronically document driving hours, but so far the administration has not released a plan on that requirement will be monitored. There are fewer than five months until the deadline for all truckers to switch from paper to electronics, and the mandate is supposed to go into effect and be enforced […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance Iowa: How to Avoid In-Transit Cargo Damage

When cargo is damaged while in transit, the truck driver, the carrier he works for, and the customer lose. This is why the commercial or owner operator truck driver must take measures to ensure the load is in good condition when delivered. As providers of commercial or owner operator truck insurance in Iowa, we want to share these three suggestions on avoiding in-transit cargo damage: […]

What Makes a Great Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver?

Truck driving isn’t an easy profession. It’s among the most dangerous of jobs and has a high turnover rate. What attracts people to commercial or owner operator truck driving? Some drivers like being alone on the road, or not having a boss looking over their shoulder, or being paid to travel. While these and other motivations bring people into truck driving, they have less to […]

Three Tornado Myths Best Ignored by Owners or Commercial Truckers

Most tornado’s strike from March through June and occur in the late afternoon. However, they’ve been known to occur during every month of the year and during any hour of the day, including night. This means the commercial or owner operator truck driver shouldn’t let his guard down in the mornings, evenings, or later in the summer. If a big thunderstorm can hit, so can […]

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