It can be quite hazardous to drive in the fall. Rainy and wet conditions can really slow you down. If you hit a patch of wet leaves, you could quickly lose control of your vehicle, causing an accident.
The weather isn’t the only problem. You are also going to have to be on the lookout for animals. Most of them are out enjoying the weather as they start to prepare for winter. It is also breeding and hunting season for deer so they might not even realize that you are there!
Here are some more tips to stay safe this fall.
Watch out for deer. Make sure that you are constantly on the lookout for deer, especially in areas where you see deer crossing signs. When it is dark, you are more likely to see their eyes due to your headlights.
If you do see a deer heading your way, try to stop safely. Keep your truck and trailer straight so that you don’t lose control. If you swerve sharply, there is a good chance that you could cause an accident.
If not, it is better not to swerve. You could easily lose control of your truck and trailer. Instead, keep straight and try to slow down.
Use caution around construction. Fall is a busy time for construction workers as they try to finish their projects before it gets too cold. Make sure that you slow down and drive carefully through construction zones. This will help to save lives.
Don’t be afraid to pull off of the road if you get stuck in a downpour. Fall brings heavy downpours, though they don’t last very long. It can be very difficult to drive during these downpours so it is much better to find a safe place to pull off of the road so that you can wait for the storm to pass.
Though fall is a great time to be a truck driver, it can also be quite dangerous. You are going to need to be very alert, looking out for animals and even construction. Downpours are also common, leading to many accidents since it is so hard to see! It would be much better to pull over and wait it out.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.