Rainy and wet conditions can make it hazardous to drive in the fall. It doesn’t take much to lose control of your commercial truck if you hit a patch of wet leaves!
Not only that, as the weather starts to cool, animals are starting to come out of hiding. Most of them are trying to fill up for the long winter months ahead when food is scarce. Breeding season makes them act without thinking and hunters scaring them don’t help!
Here are some tips to stay safe this fall.
Be prepared for bad weather. Rain is very common in the fall so you need to be ready. Make sure that your windshield wipers are in good shape. If they aren’t, it will be even harder to see! It may even help to have a spare set, just in case.
Be careful around leaves. Wet leaves can be the worst hazard that you can face in the fall. They are slick and, if you hit them the wrong way, you could easily lose control of your vehicle.
Because of this, you should try to avoid leaves as much as you can. Drive around them when you can. If you can’t, make sure that you slow down before you hit the leaves and continue to drive slowly until you have gone through all of them.
The glare from the sun is another big issue. The sun creates a glare that can make it really difficult to see. You won’t be able to see other vehicles as clearly as you could if the sun wasn’t so bright. You might miss seeing brake lights and road hazards, making driving more dangerous.
To help with the glare from the sun, you should always keep sunglasses close by. Keeping your windshield clean will also help.
To be a good driver in the fall, you should always be prepared. Make sure that your windshield wipers are working and your windshield is clean. It is always a good idea to have a pair of sunglasses ready when the glare of the sun makes it hard to see.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.