Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance Nebraska
Most commercial truck drivers spend days or even weeks on the road before they are able to go home and take a few days off. These long days can really catch up to you, making it hard to be as safe as normal.
Here are some tips to help you stay safe on long truck drives.
Maintain proper spacing between vehicles. It takes a lot more space to stop a commercial truck and trailer. Because of this, you need to stay a safe distance away from the vehicle in front of you. Staying too close and tailgating are often causes of a lot of unnecessary accidents.
Slow down when the road conditions are not ideal. Each season brings challenges when you are driving so you should take care no matter when you are driving. Rain, wet leaves, snow, and icy conditions are the worst, though you should also use caution on the hottest of days.
If you are driving slower than the speed limit (for an extended period), you should let others know by using your flashers. Not only does this help others see you, but it also alerts them to some potential dangers that they may be facing!
If your eyes are becoming fatigued, take a break. There is nothing wrong with napping on the side of the road. In fact, it is better than falling asleep while driving, which could cause a lot of damage.
Driving for extended periods of time isn’t always safe. If your eyes are starting to become fatigued, it is time to take a break. You also need to be a safe driver. Always stay away from the car in front of you and slow down when the conditions aren’t the best. Don’t be afraid to use your flashers if you are driving slower than the speed limit.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.