How to Lower Your Fleet Truck Insurance
If you own and use a fleet of vehicles, then writing the check annually for your fleet truck insurance should push you to do what you can to reduce the cost of insurance. So what can you do to help keep the rates you pay to a minimum?
Install Vehicle Trackers
Installing vehicle trackers will help you determine the location of stolen vehicles and monitor how well your drivers are driving. If your employees can prove that they are safe and considerate, then premiums will reduce in price.
Review Your Claims Experience
Get together with a commercial insurance agent at least once per year to review the types and number of claims made against your truck insurance coverage. Look for types of claims or trends that can be prevented with additional vehicle equipment or training. Your agent is the best source of getting tips on how to lower your fleet truck insurance. From this meeting, you will be able to develop a list of things that needs to be changed on your truck operations.
Use Trucks That Will Cost Less to Insure
Leasing some updated vehicles or buying a new fleet can be costly, but it can help you get proper fleet truck insurance at lower rates. Newer vehicles that have the latest security systems are hard to steal, and the latest safety features can safeguard you against personal injury claims. Reducing risk makes insurance premiums cheaper.
Driver Training Programs
You can outsource this even if you do not have the resources and facilities to conduct driver training in-house. Working with a reputable insurance provider or institute will often result in cheaper premiums. Safety meetings that recognize drivers who have the best safety records reinforce a company’s commitment when it comes to safe driving.
If you are looking for commercial fleet truck insurance specialists, J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC is the ideal company to partner with. We cover a total of nine states: Nebraska, Iowa, Tennessee, South Carolina, Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
Please feel free to contact us for more information about commercial fleet truck insurance.