As an owner operator from South Carolina, it feels real good driving your rig on a clear road making easy miles to your next destination. Not every mile is that easy and not every day in your life is that easy. Sometimes there are delays and emergencies. You have Rig Insurance and all seems well.
The family emergency is always the most emergent and the most remembered. We put sudden events like these out of our mind most of the time, but they are realities. Whether joyous or wrenching, you fulfill your responsibilities. But there is a problem lurking.
That day arrives, there is an event at the home front and you are desperately needed. Suddenly, the unexpected roadblocks appear. You, your rig and your family separated by miles of distance and the event does not allow completion of your load. Unprepared and unnerved is a terrible feeling. Don’t let that happen. And if it has happened to you already, there are solutions you are unaware of.
There are ways to build your knowledge other than on personal catastrophe. The experienced owner operator knows after eliminating the roadblocks to fulfill your obligation to your family, the whole experience, no matter happy or sad, is possible and less hectic. The solution is in your Rig Insurance policy.
Rig Insurance is not complete unless Family Emergency Travel Coverage , Rental Reimbursement Coverage, and Terminal Coverage come into play.
As an owner operator contact J.E.B. Insurance Services to make that day as smooth as an open road.