As an owner operator your customized rig evokes much friendly small talk at the truck stops in South Carolina. And you enjoy it, because you work hard, have pride and are a professional. All of those driving in cars for a vacation enjoy the splendid presentation of an interesting and clean rig as they travel the interstate as an infrequent yearly adventure. They also realize that your work is valuable to them. Boys from four and up get excited and adults feel more confident at the sight of a clean customized rig. After all you are in control of a big moving projectile and you want noticed.
Customizing your rig adds value because it costs money, sometimes a lot of money. But it also is the most relevant signal, to all those vacationers who want to get home alive, that the rig is well maintained. A clean customized truck is a wondrous sight but a faded dirty truck induces fear. But do you have proper rig insurance on your customization investment? Do you have the right commercial truck insurance company covering your back?
Sometimes you need a break and pull into the truck shop just to talk a bit over coffee and feel human again. Guess what, a fellow trucker starts talking about your impressive rig. Then about cost, then about how you protect your investment. You begin to realize that your rates are too high and your coverage incomplete. You make an inquire for customized rig insurance and learn about gap insurance, personal property insurance and diminishing deductibles and decide to make some changes.
At your following truck stop coffee break you feel as confident as your rig is impressive. Contact us about your customized rig insurance needs and we will always cover your back.