Commercial Truck Insurance Tennessee

Where Is Your Truck Going to Sleep at Night?

If you’re on the road, you can never be quite sure when you need to pull over for the night. While you may know your route, traffic delays, quick unloading, or even the weather can change how far you get over the course of your day. It has become even more unpredictable since the ELD regulations went into effect because there are hard cut-offs for drive […]

Four More Signs Your Truck Needs New Tires

Maintaining your truck (or trucks) is important whether you own one or much more than that. Well-maintained trucks are safer, they drive better, and need less maintenance. However, one of the most forgotten parts of maintaining trucks is the tires. Due to the cost, most people avoid buying tires for as long as they can. This is fine as long as you are watching them […]

Four Signs Your Truck Needs New Tires

Whether you own one semi-truck or a whole fleet, maintaining each one is important. Not only does it keep you and your drivers safe, your vehicles will also drive better and require less maintenance. One of the most forgotten (though most important) part of a maintenance program is the tires. You need good tires on every vehicle in your fleet. Most people avoid buying new […]

Don’t Let Your Allergies Affect Your Spring Driving

Being sick while you’re on the road is miserable. Even if you didn’t have to deal with long cargo drop-offs and interstate regulations, just driving a vehicle for hours can be even more arduous than usual. But spring allergies can do more than make the workday stretch longer and longer. They can be dangerous to your driving. Whether you’re a solo owner-operator or you manage […]

Get Rid of Highway Hypnosis

The northern Midwest is famous for long country roads. Whether they’re surrounded on both sides by corn fields, open pastures, or undeveloped land, the roads are largely unpopulated and monotonous. This is bad news for drivers who spend hours on the unchanging roads because it makes them susceptible to highway hypnosis. Here are some ways to beat it and keep driving safely. How can you […]

Who Can Make a Claim Against Your Tow Trucking Business?

Driving a tow truck is different from operating a semi-truck, but many of the risks are the same. Not only do you face the same risks that come with driving an oversized vehicle, you handle other people’s property on public roads. Make sure you have the right tow trucking coverage to address liability claims from these parties: The owner of the towed vehicle. If you […]

Cargo Insurance: High Tech Cargo Theft

The “tools of the trade” used by today’s cargo thieves aren’t necessarily limited to hardware such as bolt cutters, crowbars, and various power tools. They might also include computers, an Internet connection, and specialized software. As long as freight carriers use computers and the Internet, they’re vulnerable to getting their networks hacked by cyber criminals. Cyber crime isn’t limited to merely stealing bank account usernames […]

How Will Big Data Continue to Change the Rest of 2018?

Technology is becoming a bigger and bigger part of every business. The trucking industry has seen a lot of changes with the mandated installation of electronic logging devices (ELDs) and increased data aggregation. But the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will be focusing more on driver assistance technology, according to Deputy Administrator Cathy Gautreaux, and the changes will be based in data. Here are some of the […]

Safe and Unsafe Ways to Respond to the ELD Time Crunch

ELD adoption went into effect for most drivers December 18th of last year. But for drivers in agricultural and livestock industries, a ninety-day extension gave a margin for increased discussion and time for the industries to find ways to both adopt the devices without endangering their cargo. But once the mandate goes into effect for everyone, there will be even more of a scramble to […]

What Makes Trucking So Dangerous?

Truck driving has seen a rapid spike in driver fatalities over the past few years, and the both the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration regularly use truck driving as an example as one of the United States’ deadliest jobs for a variety of reasons. What are the reasons for the high crash-related fatalities? Experts aren’t sure whether they’re due […]