Commercial Truck Insurance Georgia

What the Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver Should Know about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually associated with people who spend too many hours on a computer keyboard. However, anyone can come down with this problem if they engage in prolonged activity involving repetitive motion of the fingers and wrist. For commercial or owner operator truck drivers, activities such as chaining and tarping along with the constant vibration of the steering wheel and shifter can […]

Five Defensive Driving Tips for the Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver

There is a good reason why a clean driving record is important for finding work in the trucking industry: trucking is a dangerous profession. It’s dangerous because driving itself is dangerous, and truckers do a lot of driving. How do you log thousands of miles every week for years without ever getting into an accident? The answer is: there is no answer. There is no […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance in Georgia: Avoiding Parking Lot Accidents

Parking lots are deceptive. There’s no high-speed traffic to worry about and sometimes there’s no traffic at all. While you may be tempted to relax and let your guard down, don’t. Hazards of a different kind exist in parking lots and they are responsible for over 30% of truck accidents. While the speeds involved are slow, the damage potential in terms of dollars, especially to […]

Eight Tips for Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driving in the Fog

When an aircraft flies through thick clouds and fog, the pilot uses his instrumentation to find his way. Unfortunately, such technology doesn’t exist for the commercial or owner operator truck driver trying to find his way through fog. Like everyone else on the road, he has only his eyes to guide him. Because so little is seen in the fog, people often make assumptions. They […]

4 Trucking Etiquette Practices for the New Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver

Holding the door open for the person behind you or not cutting in line at a store checkout are common courtesies that people extend to one another in public places. Likewise, the trucking industry has its own set of unwritten rules that commercial or owner operator truck drivers extend to one another on the road. Many of these courtesies are more than simple politeness, they […]

Blind Spot Safety for the Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver in Georgia

For the commercial or owner operator trucker to be a safe driver, he must know the traffic situation around his vehicle at all times. This is a challenging task for the novice driver because of the large blind spots around the truck and trailer. He cannot rely on motorists to avoid these areas because they are generally unaware of the blind spots of any vehicle […]

Protect Your New Trucking Business With Owner Operator Truck Insurance In Georgia

Many of the new owner operator and trucking companies only have one driver, and that driver will only have one truck. With a trucking company that has only one driver, it is critical to make sure you will be covered if there are any accidents or disasters on your truck or trailer. In the unfortunate event that you have an accident or your truck has […]

Tips for Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Drivers in Georgia for Avoiding Falls

One of the least apparent hazards faced by commercial or owner operator truck drivers in Georgia are slips and falls while getting in and out of their trucks. It is a routine act done countless times over the years that nearly everyone takes for granted. If you do something enough times, eventually you will make a mistake. Even though the average distance to the ground is only four […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance In Georgia: Get Your Log Hauler Back On The Road

The insurance industry is not an industry that stands still; it is ever-changing. This year your agent may inform you that you need one insurance carrier, and then next year the agent may recommend that you need to make a switch to a different insurance carrier. What will you do when your insurance agent lets you know that he or she can not find insurance […]

Give Yourself Better Business Coverage With Commercial or Owner Operator Truck insurance In Georgia

If your Georgia business requires that you have a courier truck or any kind of truck that will transport goods, you will have to acquire commercial or owner operator truck insurance. Commercial truck insurance will give you and your vehicle protection in the event you are involved in an accident or some other misfortune occurs. There are plenty of things that you will need to […]

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