Author: J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC

How Altitude Can Impact Your Insurance

Safe driving is mandatory for low premiums. Every insurance company takes into consideration the various risks associated with insuring you and your drivers against both physical damage and liability claims. But safe driving isn’t just about maintaining situational awareness, knowing trucking regulations, and fighting off driving fatigue. It’s also about keeping your truck’s conditions consistent to ensure good drivability. What does altitude have to do […]

Don’t Let the End of the Ninety Day Extension Catch You Off-Guard

If there was one consistent element across 2017’s semi-trucking news (aside from Tesla’s trucks), it was the new regulations concerning ELDs, or electronic logging devices, that semi-trucks were mandated to have. These devices would monitor drive times to ensure better compliance with maximum drive times and schedules in a way that paper logs couldn’t fully capture. The rule mandated that trucks have them in place […]

When Do You Need Different Levels of Liability Coverage?

Liability insurance, which covers damages done to other’s property and third-party injuries that you and your drivers are liable for, is required across the country. Different amounts exist not only for different circumstances, such as bobtailing or cargo damage but also for different types of cargo and different sizes of vehicles. As a general rule, you need at least $300,000 trucking liability insurance for bodily […]

What’s the Difference Between Liability Coverage and Cargo Insurance?

One of the biggest liabilities commercial truck drivers and carriers face is damage done to other people. Whether it’s through a collision, unsafe driving, or unsecured cargo, truckers can be held liable for a lot of damage done to third parties. Make sure your insurance coverage thoroughly protects you and your business, and make sure the different policies do what you expect. What’s the difference […]

Four Motorist Hazards to Watch for This Winter

Motorists typically dread winter driving for good reason. The traction and visibility are poor during snow storms, and black ice can take you by complete surprise. For the commercial or owner operator truck driver, winter driving is even worse. Handling a semi-truck is far more difficult in winter conditions than the average car. On top of this, the actions of some motorists increase the hazards […]

Bad Sleeping Habits Can Cause Accidents and Increase Your Rig Insurance

Getting better at anything requires lots of practice. If you’re averaging 2500 miles per week like many long haul  commercial truckers, you certainly aren’t lacking in the practice department. However, practice is only part of the equation for improving your professional skills. The other part is consistently getting quality sleep every night. Without it, the work you do only wears you down and may cause […]

Three Ways to Reduce Your Tow Truck Insurance Policy Rates

Towing stranded cars off busy highways with speeding cars just feet away is a risky business. Expensive property such as the towing vehicle and its equipment as well as the car being towed are at risk. This is just one of several reasons why tow truck insurance can be expensive. These risks are why some insurance companies are getting out of the towing industry altogether. […]

Will You Have Enough Bobtail Insurance Coverage This Winter?

Winter is a tough time for the commercial or owner operator truck driver. Because semi-trucks were designed for hauling cargo, their handling, especially in the winter, isn’t very good as compared to a car. The only thing more difficult to drive in the winter than a tractor-trailer rig, is driving the tractor without a trailer, or bobtailing. The reason comes down to the fact that the […]

How the ELD Mandate Might Impact Your Insurance

ELDs and their associated legislation were designed to make truckers and general drivers safer. But that might not be the case for the first few months of adjustment. Here are two areas of coverage you should consider adding or adding to on your insurance policy. What coverage should you consider increasing during the first few months of ELDs? Make sure your cargo coverage is up-to-date […]

What To Do During the First Few Months of ELD Enforcement

The electronic logging device mandate has been fully in effect for over 30 days, and now that it’s past the Christmas holiday, more and more attention will be focused on the resulting inspections and difficulties. One of the best ways to avoid headaches that come with the transition is to maintain paper records alongside the ELD records for a short period of time. Why should […]