Author: J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC

What Makes Trucking So Dangerous?

Truck driving has seen a rapid spike in driver fatalities over the past few years, and the both the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration regularly use truck driving as an example as one of the United States’ deadliest jobs for a variety of reasons. What are the reasons for the high crash-related fatalities? Experts aren’t sure whether they’re due […]

National Attention Is Back on Underride Guards

The issue of underride guards has been a longstanding one, and the Stop Underrides Act of 2017 is one of the most recent attempts to solve the driving hazard. The act would not only increase the rigor the standards that rear underride guards must meet. It would also require front and side underride guards. But the act hasn’t passed yet. It was introduced in December […]

Don’t Be Distracted, and Why It’s More Vital Than Ever

The tide is turning against smartphones, and that means a lot of changes are underway for both commercial and passenger drivers. Distracted driving kills thousands of people in the United States alone each year, and so far campaigns haven’t made much traction in getting drivers off of their phones. That’s why people are turning to legislation and devices that limit phone usage on the road. […]

How is Health Impacting Your Company’s Driving Records and Insurance?

OSHA ranks semi-truck driving as one of the worst jobs for drivers’ health. The combination of long hours of sedentary driving, stress, and sudden activity with heavy loads is dangerous. But as OSHA, FMCSA, and health professionals examine semi-truck driving in greater detail, there are even more underlying health risks. What are some of the top health risks impacting your drivers? Your drivers’ health doesn’t […]

How Does Your Trucking Company Measure Up in These Three Factors?

Insurance companies look at a lot of different elements of your business in order to finalize the offered premiums. Many of them, such as your company’s history, the types of trucks you drive, and the types of materials you tend to transport, are expected. But there are a few surprising factors that could be impacting the monthly price tag, such as: How well did your drivers […]

Make Sure Driver Fatigue Isn’t Impacting Your Drivers or Your Semi-Truck Insurance

All insurance is based on risk, and when it comes to semi-driving, one of the biggest risks is driver fatigue. If you manage or plan the routes for several drivers that take them across the country, there are several things you can do to reduce the risk of driver’s fatigue, highway hypnosis, and the resulting losses in response time and vehicle control. Here are some […]

What is Included in Your Truck Liability Insurance Policy?

If you are in the trucking or Transportation industry, being adequately covered by insurance is extremely important. Truck liability insurance is an important type of insurance coverage that is required to legally operate a commercial truck. When you have a quality truck liability insurance policy, it will provide you with a number of different types of coverage. Liability Protection When you have a truck liability […]

How a Larger Fleet Can Lower Your Per Unit Premiums

Trucking insurance is a hefty business expense, no matter what provider you have. But as you scale your business, you can lower that proportion through overarching policies of driver safety, regular maintenance, and tracking your route data. Keep your insurance low with generally good driving even after an accident. If you’re a single owner-operator, a couple of claims or traffic accidents can increase your riskiness […]

Leverage Your Fleet for Fleet Coverage Instead of Individual Premiums

If your goal is to own your own trucking business, there are three general categories your company might fall under: a single owner-operator, where you want independence and to manage your own routes but you want to stay on the road; a small fleet of two to five trucks so you can start to manage your own drivers and start work on scaling your business; […]

How Altitude Can Impact Your Insurance

Safe driving is mandatory for low premiums. Every insurance company takes into consideration the various risks associated with insuring you and your drivers against both physical damage and liability claims. But safe driving isn’t just about maintaining situational awareness, knowing trucking regulations, and fighting off driving fatigue. It’s also about keeping your truck’s conditions consistent to ensure good drivability. What does altitude have to do […]