Author: J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC

Knowing the Difference Between a Truck Dispatcher and a Freight Broker can Help Save You Money as An Owner Operator in Texas

When you are an owner-operator in Texas, it is up to you to find loads to and from places. You also don’t want to drive one way without a load because it is a waste of your time (and fuel)! Because of this, many people hire a truck dispatcher or freight broker to help them out. Though they are similar in what they do (help […]

Not Staying Focused While Driving a Commercial Truck in Nebraska can Impact your Commercial Truck Insurance

Driving a big commercial truck can become monotonous, especially when you go from one highway to another. There isn’t always a change in scenery to keep your attention. Because of this, some drivers get tired easily and struggle to stay focused. However, if you are careful, you can keep your eyes on the road and stay focused on driving. Here are some tips to help. […]

Why Your Company Should Be Cautious About the Upcoming (and Unknown) HOS Changes

The semi-truck industry has been on a roller coaster of regulatory changes, and the ride’s not over yet. This June, the U.S. Department of Transportation will release some changes to the current Hours of Service regulations. These changes are being touted as more flexible, but the specifics aren’t clear. Some of the changes are likely to touch on: Increasing short-haul exemptions to fourteen hours of […]

More Healthy Snacks for the Road as a Owner Operator in Nebraska

Staying healthy as a commercial truck driver isn’t always easy. Many spend days on the road without going home. They often eat at truck stops, which isn’t always a healthy option. However, there are ways to eat healthier while you are driving. Here are some more healthy snacks for the road. Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds can be a great snack for the road. […]

More Tips to Stay Healthy while on the Road as a Commercial Truck Driver in Texas

The common perception is that commercial truck drivers are overweight men. That is easy enough to do when you are on the road and stuck in your commercial truck for days at a time. It is hard to eat healthily and exercise when you live out of your big rig. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some more tips to stay […]

Tips to Stay Healthy as a Commercial Truck Driver in North Carolina

When most people think about commercial truckers, they often think about overweight men. When you drive for days at a time, without going home, it can be hard to stay healthy. It isn’t always easy to eat right, get enough sleep, and exercise the way that you should. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some tips to stay healthy while on […]

Commercial Vehicle International RoadCheck June 4-6, 2019

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced that the International Road Check is scheduled for June 4-6 2019. During the event, commercial motor vehicle inspectors will be examining commercial vehicles and drivers throughout North America. This year inspectors are going to focus on steering and suspension systems. Why You Need to Be Prepared Last year one in five (21.6 percent) of commercial motor vehicles that underwent […]

Here’s Why You Need Fleet Truck Insurance

Here’s Why You Need Fleet Truck Insurance Fleet Truck Insurance and Commercial Vehicle Insurance differ in several aspects. The state laws regarding commercial vehicles differ considerably than that of commercial vehicles, and the value of fleet vehicles is much greater With fleet truck insurance, there are no ‘owners’ of a truck;  the owner of the entire fleet of cars listed on a fleet truck insurance policy is the company. Add-ons like comprehensive and collision and also differ with fleet insurance. Although expensive, […]

Healthy Snacks for a Commercial Truck Driver while on the Road.

Commercial Truckers spend days away from their family, living on the road. Because of that, they don’t always have time to eat as healthy as you would like. Instead, they pick up foods at fast food joints and truck stops. However, there are ways to eat healthier while you are driving. Here are some healthy snacks for the road. Raw vegetables.Raw vegetables make great snacks […]

Is Bobtail Truck Insurance Right for You?

Bobtail  Insurance Big rig drivers, especially owner-operators, know that the all-to-often dreaded words ‘bobtailing’ and ‘dead-heading” means headed somewhere with no trailer (and too often) no pay for those miles. However, regardless if you are an independent or leased on with a company, you may be required to carry special Bobtail Truck insurance. Here’s what owner-operators need to know: Regardless of whether or not you are under […]