One of the problems commercial or owner-operator truck drivers face is determining where they will sleep at the end of a long hard day. Sleeping on exit ramps can be dangerous, and many shippers and receivers forbid overnight parking. That doesn’t mean you don’t have choices-here are a few safe havens you should consider.
Wal-Mart/Meijer Supercenters
Many Wal-Mart and Meijer supercenters allow overnight truck parking. Wal-Mart has an online directory that lists trucker-friendly locations in every state. Meijer doesn’t publicly advertise which stores allow truck parking, so you’ll have to visit a location in person in order to gain permission first.
Truck Stops
Truck stops are of course one of the best places to park overnight. You can easily determine which truck stops are on your route by purchasing a National Truck Stop Directory. This publication lists more than 6,500 different truck stops alphabetically and by exit order to make them easy to find. It also provides information on other services such as truck washes, showers and laundry facilities so you can choose a truck stop that best fits your needs.
Rest Areas
Google has an interactive map of rest areas throughout the Continental United States. All you have to do is zoom into your location in order to find the one nearest you. Alternatively, the Motor Carrier’s Road Atlas provides some information about rest areas, and also gives the location of weigh stations, hazardous materials routes and low clearance areas.
Use these tools to find a safe place to rest before heading back out on the road again. For more information, contact us.