Hot weather can make driving a big rig unbearable, especially when operating in areas that have “no idling” laws. That doesn’t mean that an owner operator in South Carolina doesn’t have any options, as there are plenty of ways they can stay cool regardless.
Bluecool from Webasto
Webasto manufactures the Bluecool cooling system, which is designed to keep the sleeping area in truck cabs cool and comfortable. This system mounts to the rail frame, and generates power that then drives a refrigeration compressor, which freezes water that is then used to cool the bunk area when the truck is turned off.
IdleAir Truck Stops
IdleAir truck stops offer owner operators the ability to plug into an electrical system that will then allow them to operate air conditioning, televisions, computers and other electronic devices. This is a very economical option when compared to idling your truck; however, sites are limited. Visit the company’s official website to find a location. Sites are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Truck-mounted generators can also supply cooling power at a fraction of the cost of idling. Many units are so efficient that they burn less than one quart of fuel each hour. Although many big rig generators operate on diesel fuel, they nonetheless allow truckers to comply with no-idling laws. You can operate a generator year round, but should use it only if your truck has adequate ventilation.
These are just a few ways owner operators can stay cool this summer when idling isn’t possible. For more ways to stay cool on the road, please feel free to contact us.