Commercial truck drivers in South Carolina spend long hours of sitting followed by heavy lifting. This combination is very hard on the lower back. Even if you aren’t expected to help load or unload your trailer, sitting behind the wheel all day is enough to cause back problems. Back pain can be a dull ache or a sharp pain and can restrict your range of motion. Many truck drivers walk hunched over because their back pain prevents them from walking straight. How do you avoid this problem? Read on.
Use Good Posture
Although the body is capable of many different positions, most of them stress the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles if they are held for too long. The neutral positions that don’t stress body parts are often referred to as good posture. When sitting in your truck, adjust your seat so that you can use the steering wheel with a straight back. Your arms should be relaxed when doing this and you should not have to stretch or reach when steering. The back of your knee should also lightly touch the edge of the seat. Make sure the mirrors are adjusted so that you can use them without leaning, twisting, or turning.
Do Some Stretching Before And After Your Drive
Muscles and ligaments that are stiff and tight are also stressed. This stress leads to injury. That’s why it’s important to keep your back limber with stretching exercises. One highly effective stretching routine involves placing one foot on the truck’s step and stretching the other leg back in a lunge position. Stretch each leg for 20 seconds. Continue the exercise for two minutes.
Do Some Walking During Rest Stops
The reason excessive sitting is hard on the back and generally bad for health is that we were meant to be walking around and using our bodies. Walking gets your blood flowing and moves your body parts in a natural way. It’s convenient and requires no equipment. Walk several laps around the rest stop and repeat this several times a day.
Use Your Legs When Lifting
Your legs have the strongest muscles in your body while the back is relatively weak. When you rely on your arms to lift, the back is often used in the process. That is why you should keep your elbows locked next to your body and bend your legs to reach the box. Lift the box by extending your legs. If you can’t do this because the box is too large or bulky, get some assistance.
These suggestions are preventative measures for avoiding a back injury. If you are suffering from severe back pain, see your doctor and follow his or her advice. For more useful tips and advice or if you require commercial truck insurance, contact us at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC.