J.E.B. Insurance Services, a leading provider of rig insurance in South Carolina, would like to offer these tips to help you avoid danger.
As a truck driver, you often travel in unfamiliar areas at various times of the day and night. As such, it’s important to remain vigilant at all times if you are to remain safe.
#1. Be aware of your surroundings
Any time you leave your truck, pay close attention to what is going on around you. Avoid talking on your cell phone while walking in or out of truck stops. Keep your head up and walk confidently, scanning your area from side to side looking for suspicious activity. Criminals are much less likely to target you if they feel you are not an easy target.
#2. Don’t temp criminals
When leaving your truck, lock it tightly and keep valuable items out of sight. A good practice is to have a lock box hidden somewhere in the cab so that anyone who does gain access would have to search for your valuables. Most thieves will not take the time to do so, and will likely move on to another vehicle.
#3. Choose stops carefully
This is especially important at night, as not all rest stops are monitored 24 hours a day. Choose a truck stop with plenty of outdoor lighting and a reasonable amount of activity whenever possible. This reduces the odds you’ll be victimized, since criminals do not like having witnesses. Stopping at deserted warehouses or rest stops that are closed for the evening should be avoided whenever possible.
#4. Carry protection
Know what laws apply to the states you are driving in so that you can carry the right type of protection. For example, many states allow residents to openly carry handguns , but a few require a permit first. Others may have restrictions on firearms brought in from other states. If carrying a handgun is an issue, you should at least consider pepper spray or a stun gun just in case.