Cargo theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America.
If you’re a trucker, use these tips for preventing cargo theft to avoid an expensive claim against your commercial truck insurance in South Carolina.
The majority of thefts take place within 200 miles of origination, which is why many trucking companies require drivers to travel at least that far before stopping once they pick up a load (provided they are able to do so legally). Before picking up a load, be sure you are well rested and have plenty of fuel. Once you are on your way, be on the lookout for any vehicles that appear to be following you. Hijackers sometimes follow truckers in groups, so you may notice more than one vehicle trailing you.
When you do make stops, select your location very carefully.
- Choose brightly-lit rest stops or truck stops for extended or overnight parking.
- If possible, park in a location where there are plenty of other truck drivers.
- Do not stop in parking lots or near abandoned warehouses, as this makes it easier for cargo thieves to target you.
You should also avoid talking about your cargo on your CB radio or with other drivers who are hanging out in truck stop lounges. You never know who might overhear your conversation and subsequently decide to steal your cargo.
If you do become a target, do not try to resist. It’s better to give up your cargo than your life. Know what your company’s policies are for reporting a theft so you can be sure to follow them. It can be a good idea to keep emergency numbers on your person at all times to make reporting easier. For more tips on preventing cargo theft, contact us.