Aside from the fact that commercial or owner operator truck insurance in Texas is required by law, there is another good reason that drivers in Texas need to have the right amount of commercial truck insurance and liability coverage.
Texas is having increasing issues with traffic in the central portion of the state, and car/truck accidents are becoming more common.
Many of the larger accidents that have occurred lately have been caused by the above dynamics, and these accidents can shut down highways for hours. Interstate 35 alone has had more than 4 dozen wrecks this year. The fact that different sections of the roadways have been undergoing construction has only compounded the problem.
While automobile drivers have expressed frustration about the accidents, with some of them blaming increased tractor trailer traffic, commercial owner operators are often not to blame. Many of these accidents are caused by the carelessness and lack of understanding displayed by average motorists.
Loaded rigs may carry loads weighing close to 80,000 pounds, which means it may take a rig hundreds of feet to stop. When drivers of cars dart in front of trucks and then slam on the brakes, the owner operator has very little room to stop the vehicle. The problem is compounded in construction zones, where concrete barriers prevent owner operators from steering onto the shoulders of the road to prevent accidents.
It is also difficult for the State Patrol to enforce speed regulations in these areas, because it is impossible to pull drivers over. Therefore, automobile drivers may be traveling at higher speeds before entering the construction areas, adding to the hazards.
These factors make it imperative that owner operators and commercial trucking companies have the right amount of primary liability within their commercial truck insurance. The liability faced by owner operators and trucking companies can be catastrophic, especially in cases of severe injury.