There is nothing more important than your tires when you are driving a commercial truck and trailer. The better your tires are, the easier your trip will be. If your tires are getting older, you may experience vibrations and other uncomfortable conditions. You are also more likely to have a blow out, which could cause an accident. Because of this, it is important to know what you need to look out for.
Here are some signs that you need new tires for your commercial truck and trailer.
Depth of tread. It is important that you look at the depth of the tread on your tires regularly. You can purchase a tire gauge to make sure that you are measuring it correctly. If you have a mechanic, make sure that he or she checks the tread regularly. If not, every time that you take your truck in to be worked on, you will want to ask them to check your tread at the same time.
Watch the wear indicator. New tires come with a tread wear indicator. You won’t be able to see the indicator when your tires are new. However, as the tires get worn, you will be able to see the indicator bar. If you can see them, you will need to keep an even closer eye on your tires.
Vibration. Though you will feel some vibration on the road, especially ones that aren’t in good repair, if you feel like you are experiencing too much vibration, you need to have your tires checked out. Though you may just need to have your tires balanced, you may need to replace a tire (or two) in order to fix the vibration.
Cracks. You also need to inspect your tires closely. You should look for any signs of wear and tear on the sidewall. Cuts, cracks, and grooves can be dangerous because your tires are that weak that they may blow out when you are on the road.
Blisters. You also need to look for blisters and bulges that can form on your tires. These occur because your tires are weak and, if you see any, you need to replace your tires as soon as possible.
If your tires are getting older and worn, it may be time to invest in some new tires. If you notice the wear indicator or any cracks and blisters, you may want to start looking for some new tires. However, that can be complicated. There are so many choices (and different prices) so it can be quite confusing. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Here are some tips to buy new tires.
Always buy new tires. Though used tires can feel better on your budget, the truth is that they won’t be worth it in the long run. They won’t last as long as brand-new tires, so you may be right back in the same position in a few months. These tires also have a bigger chance of getting cracks and blisters, especially if they have been sitting around for a while. You will also have a higher chance of the tires blowing out, making it not worth the savings.
Buy name brand tires. Though many people save money by buying generic, tires are not something that you should attempt to save money on. You are going to want to buy name brand tires because they are going to last much longer than generic ones. Bridgestone and Michelin tires are two brands that you should check out.
Consider a retread. You may be lucky enough that you don’t need new tires. You may be able to get your tires retreaded instead, which will help you to save money.
Think about use. There are many different types of tires, depending on your need. There are some tires that are made for long-haul driving. Others are made for driving on rough roads at construction sites. By buying the right tires, they will last longer and do better when it comes to fuel economy.
Also look at the weight rating. Just like you need to buy tires depending on what you are doing, it is also important to make sure that they can handle the weight that you are carrying.
Ask about a warranty. If your tires come with a warranty, you can rest assured that you are buying quality tires.
Buy your tires from a reputable dealer. Though many people shy away from buying tires from a reputable dealer, the truth is that it is often a good idea. Many times, they will also put them on (and balance them for you)! They also have deals, which can make it cheaper than other places.
Because tires are so expensive, most truck drivers try to use them as long as possible. However, if you wait too long, you are more likely to have a blow out, which could cause an accident. So, make sure that you keep an eye on the tread and wear indicator. You should also look for cracks and blisters.
If the time has come for you to buy new tires, it can be an expensive ordeal. For this reason, many people buy used tires. However, that isn’t always a good idea. You may end up having to replace these tires much sooner than you would if you bought brand new! Brand name tires are also often a better deal because they will also last longer.
It can also be confusing because there are so many different types of tires. It is important that you find one that will suit your needs. If you drive long-distance or on a construction site, there are different types of tires for that. This will ensure that your tires last as long as possible. You also need to check the weight. You will wear out tires if they aren’t rated for the weight that you are hauling.
Contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance agency needs. We are proud to offer insurance in 9 states, including Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Tennessee.