Though many people haven’t heard of the term team driving, the truth is that it can be a great thing for many over the road truck drivers. It means that two people take turns driving so that they can reach their destination faster. Many couples have taken to driving as a team so that they can spend more time together, but there are plenty of teams of drivers who are just friends and colleagues. That being said, there are some good points and some bad points for team driving. It is not for everyone.
Here are some of the advantages of driving as a team.
You can make more money.
Team drivers tend to make more money, even if they have to split the money between them. They are able to work longer hours, because they are splitting up the shifts. For solo drivers, they have to have their truck sit for ten to twelve hours a day (even if they are not home). For team drivers, one can do the driving, while the other sleeps. In fact, if they do it right, they can keep the truck running almost around the clock. Because of this, they can deliver their loads faster, which only makes the clients happier!
They are often chosen for priority loads.
Because they can run around the clock, instead of sitting along the side of the road (or at home) for ten or more hours a day, they often get first choice for priority loads. These loads need to be delivered quickly and often pay a little better because of it. If given the choice, many places would prefer team drivers because of the speed that they can deliver goods.
You are not alone.
Many over the road truckers talk about being lonely. They spend hours behind the wheel by themselves. They stop at rest stops and eat all of their meals by themselves. If they are on the road for a few days (or weeks) at a time, it can get really lonely. When you have a team member, you have someone to talk to, which can help to pass the time.
You have help, no matter where you are.
When you are a part of the team, you have a partner to be by your side. If you are feeling tired, he or she can take the wheel for a little while. If you aren’t feeling well, your partner can do some driving while you catch a quick nap. You can do the same for your partner, so that no matter what is going on with the two of you, the truck is still heading towards the destination.
There are also times when it helps to have another set of eyes. If you are dealing with a lot of traffic or detours, it can be helpful to have the two of you watching the road, the other cars, and the detour signs. One may even be able to look at a map (or their phone) to find a better route to get you where you need to go.
Having a partner can also make you feel more secure at rest stops. If you need to run into a store to grab food for the road, you don’t have to worry about leaving the truck and trailer alone. Your partner can watch it to make sure that nothing happens while you are inside. You may take turns showering at road stops so that your truck is always being guarded. The extra hands can also be great if you have to do any readjusting with the load.
Here are some of the disadvantages of Commercial Truck team driving.
If you have the wrong partner, it can make life a disaster.
One of the worst things that can happen with team driving is when you have the wrong team member. You have to choose wisely, or you will not want to go out on the road. You are going to want to choose someone that you can get along with, though you also need to make sure that you enjoy the same music and want the cab the same temperature.
That being said, you can expect some forms of conflict. You may not always agree on the best route or where you want to take a rest stop. That is normal. You should be prepared to deal with some disagreements. However, if you choose someone that you can’t stand, after a few hours together, you aren’t going to be able to spend days or weeks with him or her! The truth is that the wrong team member can really ruin the whole experience. You may even want to give up team driving completely.
You are NEVER alone.
Though this is a benefit of team driving, it can also be a disadvantage. Many people need some alone time on a regular basis. Some can’t function without it, making team driving an experience that they may not want to try! If you don’t mind being around someone else all day, team driving might be for you. If you prefer to be alone, you may want to continue to drive by yourself.
If there is a disagreement between the two of you, it can be tense when you are stuck in the cab of the truck for days or weeks on end. You aren’t going to be able to walk away and cool off for a few hours, unless you don’t want to deliver your cargo in time!
You won’t have complete control.
When you drive by yourself, you may be lucky enough to choose exactly where you are going and when. You can choose your route, along with when and where you want to stop and take your breaks.
If you are driving with another person, you have to plan your routes together. You must also agree on who is going to drive and who is going to sleep. Some people prefer to drive at night when the road is less crowded. Others have trouble with the blinding lights. Some people prefer certain rest stops over others. Some want to stop at certain fast food joints. This can lead to a lot of conflict, if you don’t choose a person that you work well with.
No matter what you think about team driving, it might be just right for you! You will make more money, spend more time on the road, and get your loads delivered faster. However, it can also be annoying to be stuck with the same person every day, all day long! Only you can decide if you prefer the company and working around the clock or you enjoy your own company!
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