Commercial Truck Insurance Blog

Secure your Truck Load of Cargo

Truckers do you have a plan to secure your truck load of cargo while in your custody? Cargo theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States, due to lax penalties, high profits and low risk in tracing stolen goods. Cargo theft is on the rise and with the continuing sluggish economy and high unemployment rate, it’s highly likely, even inevitable, that […]

Commercial Truck Insurance

Commercial Truck Insurance is required for any business that is going to be hauling for hire in the United States. For an interstate trucker to cross the state lines while hauling goods it is essential you have proof of insurance in your truck at all times. At the same time your insurance agent should make sure your federal filing BMC91X has been filed and stays […]

Value of an Commercial Truck Independent Agent

1. Access to multiple insurance companies that enables them to find the best combination of price, coverage and services for your business. 2. Your agent is your consultant, working with you to save you time and money while determining your needs. 3. Treat you like a person, not a number. Gives you personalized service. 4. Work with you when you have a claim. 5. Can […]
