Commercial Truck Insurance Blog

Backing Tips for the Novice Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver in North Carolina

One of the most challenging maneuvers for both novice and experienced drivers alike is backing their rig up. Insurance statistics show that a high percentage of claims involve a vehicle backing up. Yet proficiency at this maneuver is a necessity since that’s how you load and unload your trailer at loading docks. You will also have to back your rig into parking spaces at many […]

Owner Operators in South Carolina: How You Can Avoid Overnight Parking Accidents

Over the years, trucks have increased in length while the size of truck stop parking spaces have not changed. The number of trucks on the road have also increased while the total acreage of available parking space hasn’t changed much at all. Because of this, truck stop parking areas are more congested than ever before and have precious little maneuvering space. Not surprisingly, accidents at […]

6 Money Saving Tips for Commercial and Owner Operator Truck Drivers in South Carolina

The interstates and highways in South Carolina are full of businesses that cater to the needs of truck drivers and motorists. While these businesses provide many conveniences and necessities, truck drivers can easily spend too much of their hard-earned money if they aren’t careful. Because these businesses try to get truckers to spend more, and because truckers like splurging a little at the end of […]
