The interstates and highways in South Carolina are full of businesses that cater to the needs of truck drivers and motorists. While these businesses provide many conveniences and necessities, truck drivers can easily spend too much of their hard-earned money if they aren’t careful. Because these businesses try to get truckers to spend more, and because truckers like splurging a little at the end of a long day, it’s easy to see why saving money on the road is not easy. Below are six money-saving tips for commercial and owner operator truck drivers in South Carolina.
Create A Budget
Spending freely is an expensive habit for most people. While the individual items and meals that you buy on the road aren’t a fortune by themselves, they can add up to a lot of money over time. Create a budget by subtracting your monthly cost of living from your monthly income. The remainder is what you have for personal expenses, savings, and living on the road. Keeping track of specific numbers is the only way to be sure that you are staying well within your means. Take advantage of the many available budgeting apps.
Pay Your Bills Automatically
If there is no one at home looking after the bills, most utility companies, service providers, and banks have automatic billing that you can set for a specific day of the month. Doing this prevents late payment fees from not paying bills on time which can easily happen while on the road. Consistently missing due dates can add up to a lot of money from late fees. It also doesn’t help your credit rating.
Bring Your Food
Eating out all the time at fast food joints and diners gets old after a while. It’s bad for your health and very expensive. Buy cheaper and healthier food at local supermarkets and discount stores. You may want to invest in a mini fridge and a grill, stove, or microwave for truckers.
Bring More Clothes
Bringing enough clothing to last the trip will spare you the expense of going to laundromats.
Use Free Wi-Fi
Using the Internet from your mobile device is an expense you can eliminate by patronizing establishments that offer free Wi-Fi such as Dunkin Donuts, Panera, Starbucks, and Target. You can also research free Wi-Fi locations along your trucking route online. Free Wi-Fi map apps are also available.
Get Affordable Commercial Or Owner Operator Truck Insurance
If you are paying too much for truck insurance, take advantage of the best coverage at the most affordable rates at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC. For more information about this, contact us today.