Commercial Truck Insurance Blog

How Side Underride Guards Can Save Lives and Reduce Your Insurance Premiums in Illinois

Rear underride guards are a necessity while driving a truck. Not only can they save lives in the event of a collision, they are a mandated protection feature. Recently, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has been studying the effects of side underride guards in potential collisions between passenger vehicles and trucking rigs. While the organization’s results haven’t driven legislative changes yet, side guards could […]

Keep Your Commercial Trucking Insurance Low by Avoiding the Most Common CSA Violations

In just a few months, federal inspection agencies are going to start monitoring truckers’ adherence to daily drive time limits through electronic sensors. While the enforcement and preparation for this mandate has and will continue to be a challenge, the end goal of making roads safer for both truckers and drivers in passenger vehicles is important. Not only do trucking regulations save lives, adhering to […]

Getting Ready for Bad Weather: Keep Your Truck Insurance Low with Preparation

Nebraska can be home to some pretty nasty weather. While snow storms might not be spiraling across the Midwest just yet, tornadoes, torrential rain, and other storms can make driving a large truck a lot more dangerous. Here are some tips on how to handle storms, both before and during the bad weather, to keep yourself safe; preventing collisions and danger to yourself can also help […]
