Underride accidents involving a car going under the trailer of a semi truck are often fatal. The car’s windshield and pillar structures are too flimsy to resist the shearing forces that occur when they collide with the bottom edge of a semi’s trailer. Because of this, the survival prospects for the driver and passengers of the car are grim. Although underride guards are mandated for […]
Commercial Truck Insurance Iowa
Three Tornado Myths Best Ignored by Owners or Commercial Truckers
Most tornado’s strike from March through June and occur in the late afternoon. However, they’ve been known to occur during every month of the year and during any hour of the day, including night. This means the commercial or owner operator truck driver shouldn’t let his guard down in the mornings, evenings, or later in the summer. If a big thunderstorm can hit, so can […]
Three Reasons Commercial or Owner Operator Truckers Have Night Vision Problems
The commercial or owner operator truck driver’s occupation can take its toll on night vision. Long hours on the road over the years expose the trucker to harsh lighting, a poor diet, and lack of exercise. On top of these are the inevitable effects of getting older. Over time, all of these factors diminish your ability to see at night. If you are starting to […]