Winter is called the cold and flu season. There is much debate about whether cold weather makes you more susceptible to catching colds or getting the flu. However, people spend more time indoors in close quarters, where fresh air from the outdoors is sealed out. This allows airborne germs to spread more easily. There is evidence that cold weather does suppress the immune system, and that flu viruses thrive in the cold. In any case, there’s plenty you can do to avoid getting sick this winter. Here are four suggestions:
Stay Warm
As mentioned above, feeling cold may suppress your immune system. You can avoid this by dressing in layers. Layering your clothing traps air, which is an excellent insulator. Wear just enough to stay warm. Strip off layers when you’re active to avoid sweating, which makes your clothing wet and diminishes their ability to insulate. Wear synthetic fabrics next to your skin. These wick moisture away from the skin, which reduces the chill you feel after sweating.
Get Plenty of Sleep
Lack of sleep not only adversely affects your driving, it also weakens the immune system. While drinking coffee and chewing gum helps prevent drowsiness in the short-term, it isn’t a substitute for sleep. You will simply reach a point where even coffee won’t stop you from nodding off. These tricks do nothing for your immune system, and lack of sleep leaves your body defenseless against colds and flu.
Stay Hydrated
All of your body’s systems and organs require water to function properly. This, of course, includes your immune function. It’s easy to become dehydrated in the winter because the cold doesn’t trigger the thirst reflex as does heat. You can combat both the cold and dehydration by drinking hot chocolate and including hot soup in your diet.
While it’s impossible to avoid all stressful situations, you can manage them. First, choose your battles. Many things simply aren’t worth getting bothered over. Rude drivers and heavy traffic are two examples of this.
Plan your trips and allow plenty of time to reach your destination. Fit an exercise routine into your daily schedule. Exercise reduces stress and strengthens the immune system. You can practice stress reducing techniques such as deep breathing exercises on your rest stops.
Stay healthy this winter by following the above suggestions, and make sure your insurance needs are fully covered. For information about owner operator insurance in South Carolina, please contact us.