Most automobile drivers have a casual attitude about exceeding the speed limit and this is very evident on our highways where cars doing the speed limit are the slowest vehicles on the road. The only thing wrong about speeding for most motorists is that they can get fined and will pay higher insurance premiums. What they don’t understand is the reason for having speed limits in the first place: because excessive speed injures and kills people.
As a commercial or owner operator truck driver, you are held to a higher standard. You operate a vehicle that is up to 20 times heavier than the average car on the road. An accident with most vehicles while speeding will be anything but a fender bender. The public’s safety is in your hands and your commercial driver’s license is a privilege entrusted to you.
Unlike many other moving violations, speeding is exceedingly easy to do. If you aren’t using cruise control, a moment’s inattention especially when going downhill can cause you to violate the speed limit. If this happens in an area where law enforcement is monitoring traffic speed, then just like that, your driving record is no longer clean. It may remain on your record for several years.
If during those several years, you get a few more speeding violations, then this record will adversely affect your career as a commercial or owner operator truck driver. Finding work as a commercial driver will be difficult if not impossible when you don’t have a clean record. The owner operator will be paying higher insurance premiums and a clean driving record is a must for delivering loads for most clients. Why would they want to trust their cargo with someone with a spotty record? In short, those speeding violations (or any type of violation) can put an end to your career.
Some drivers maintain that the odds are stacked against you because the hundreds of thousands of miles that you drive every year mean that getting moving violations are inevitable. However, many commercial or owner operator truck drivers drive for years and manage to maintain clean driving records. How is this possible? They are dedicated professionals. Their attitudes toward their profession are very different from drivers with a bad driving history. Keeping your record clean isn’t easy. The professional knows this and works hard at being a reliable and safe driver.
Contact us today for information about our commercial or owner operator truck insurance offerings in South Carolina.