Your livelihood as an owner operator truck driver depends on your performance. This, and the many tasks you must do every day adds up to a lot of pressure. How do you get more things done in a 24 hour day? By increasing your productivity. There are always ways of doing things better and faster. Here are four suggestions:
- Do one thing at a time. Plan out your day in advance by breaking it into ordered tasks placed in a to-do list. Follow this list one task at a time. When doing any particular task, give it single-minded focus until completed, and then move to the next. Do not multitask. Unlike computers, people do not multitask well.
- Block out distractions. There are two types of distractions. Those caused by the outside world, and those created by you. While you can’t (and shouldn’t) block out the external world, you can control your own impulses to check email, visit favorite websites, play with your favorite apps, or talk on the phone. This requires will power and discipline. If you find this difficult, approach it incrementally. That is, progressively get better at it.
- Use technology. Many owner operator truck drivers are stuck in their ways, and because of this, don’t use all the available tools they could be using. For example, plan your trucking routes using a good truck routing app. Take time to research apps that make your day easier.
- Get exercise. During your breaks, stretch your legs and go for a walk. This benefits you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Exercise increases your energy levels and blood flow to the brain. This results in better performance on your part and therefore, more success as an owner operator trucker.
As an owner operator truck driver in getting through your work day efficiently is important for success. Accidents happen however, and adequate insurance coverage is also important for your success. Do you have adequate owner operator insurance? If you have any questions, we at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC can help. Contact us today.