A first time DOT inspection is sometimes a nerve-wracking experience but if you are complying with the rules that regulate the commercial trucking industry, then there is nothing to worry about. However, a good first impression can mean the difference between the inspector waving you on or conducting a full inspection. The choice is made at the inspector’s discretion.
His job is getting unsafe rigs off the road, not spending all of his time inspecting rigs that are fully compliant. Therefore, he will look for hints that your rig may be in violation and proceed from there. Here are three hints he may look for that indicate that a commercial or owner operator truck may not pass an inspection:
Your Cab Is a Mess
The tidiness of a cab interior gives a reasonably accurate impression of the driver’s diligence. If the cab interior is a mess, then there’s a good chance that the rig is also suffering from neglect. This doesn’t mean an item or two of trash lying around. He is looking for a thoroughly unkept environment.
He will also look for indications that you drive under the influence. This would be things such as an empty beer can lying on the floor or small round burn marks on the floor and seats. These burn marks are caused by burning marijuana seeds that pop onto the floor and seats. These will give the inspector probable cause to conduct a search for drugs. He can also make judgements based on the cab’s smell.
Your Demeanor Seems Off
Experienced inspectors can tell the difference between a commercial driver that’s worried about getting caught and one who feels his commercial or owner operator truck is in good order. Excessive nervousness, obvious lies, and defensive behavior are some of the cues that tip off the inspector. A good attitude and willingness to cooperate however, leave a favorable impression.
Your Documents Are Untidy
If you can’t readily find the documents he asks for, then that’s another indication of a lack of organization and carefulness that probably extends to the maintenance and upkeep of your rig. Organized papers kept in a ring binder leaves a positive impression of a commercial or owner operator truck driver who is a true professional.
If you have questions about commercial or owner operator truck insurance in Florida, feel free to contact us at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC.