Our agency would like to take the time to personally recognize you and your business during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, September 16-22, 2012. With over 15 years experience in the trucking insurance profession we know how great you are and what sacrifices you make everyday to deliver our goods. Our office wants to be here working with you and for your business in order to assist you to meet your goals.
It is time for those of us who don’t climb into the cabs of 18-wheelers day-in and day-out to step-back and think about the important role that truck drivers play-and to express our gratitude. We owe much to the great men and women that make daily sacrifices while trucking. We think it’s just right to thank you because remember that every single thing that we have now, is being delivered by trucks at one point or another before it reaches us. We believe that truck drivers are honorable men and women who do a lot of great things and favors for us and the country. We at J.E.B. Insurance Services are acutely aware of the important role that truck drivers play-including keeping the global economy moving forward and making everyone’s lives more comfortable and affordable. And so, we thank you all for your dedication to your jobs and for the sacrifices you make each and every day.
Here at J.E.B. Insurance Services, we strive to give you the best customer service possible at all times. We encourage you to email us or leave us a message after hours and see how quickly we respond to your needs.
We have a variety of ways to make your monthly insurance payments, we can set you up for automatic EFT, or log onto our website for a one stop payment option. We feel it is an office challenge to see how fast we are able to process your certificate request, for we know this will keep you on the road and is a very important role in the success of your business.
The trucking industry is constantly changing and we try our best to keep you up on the latest news on our website at www.JebInsurance.com in our blog section. Or if you have social media accounts – take a moment to become our friend at www.facebook.com/JebInsurance. Or just to say hello on a random Thursday follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jebinsurance
Since our background in the trucking industry is in underwriting we are aware how your Safe Stat results and prior claims play a big role in your insurance premiums. As some of you might know our agency is partnered with the University of Central Florida. Their RAPTER program has truly made a difference in distracted driving for truckers and J.E.B. Insurance Services supports Disconnect 2 Drive. Links on our website are available if you would like to learn more about our partnership and your ever changing safe stat result.
As many of you know emergencies on the road happen when you least expect it. Whether you have a flat tire, engine issues, towing assistance you will need assistance on the side of the highway. J.E.B. Insurance Services would like to offer you a special Truck and Trailer Emergency Roadside Assistance Service. Please take a moment to check out all the details at https://www.roadsidemasters.com/partner/jebinsurance/
Driving long haul trucks might be exhausting, tiring but WE also think that it is a very respectable career to have. The benefits of traveling around the country, being able to see the different places, meet different people while delivering goods that make the economy a better place.
Again, J.E.B. Insurance Services would like to personally THANK YOU for all you do in the industry. Please remember, we are here to assist you in any way possible in order to make your business more successful.
Wishing you safe travels!