Even though the clean-up after Hurricane Harvey is well underway, many of the less frequented highway systems are either impassable for semi-trucks or have new obstructions. For both frequent Houston drivers and drivers new to the region, sometimes the safety signs and common knowledge of the area aren’t enough. If you’re making a delivery to Texas areas impacted by the hurricane, here are additional safety tips to keep in mind that can keep your truck and your driving record in good condition:
- Conduct any informal inspections before you reach the area or pull into a parking lot. While the roads have been cleared, interstate medians and the roadside are still hazardous terrains. Grassy areas that look parched and dry may still be flooded or have too loose of topsoil to support your truck’s weight. If you notice your truck driving atypically or you think something may be loose, pull over into a parking lot instead of the roadside for a safer inspection.
- Make sure all of your insurance and paperwork are up-to-date. The area is full of drivers unfamiliar with the streets, either due to clean-up efforts, increased enforcement officers, and recently arrived appraisers and contractors. This means more accidents are likely, and it’s important to have your paperwork easily on-hand in the event of a collision.
- Use navigation software even if you know the area. The roads you’re familiar with might be closed for repairs, and restricted driving is even more time-consuming for semi-truck drivers. Instead of relying on detour signs and changing your route moment by moment, use navigation software and informal updates from drivers in the area to plan a modified route in advance.
Even if driving conditions themselves are less dangerous in Houston than just a month ago, recent changes and new drivers in the region present new challenges. Make yourself safe and your insurance premiums low by taking extra precautions, and go to J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC. for more safety tips and insurance information. We provide commercial truck insurance in the following states: Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Caroline, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa & Nebraska.