One of the major expenses for the trucker is fuel. For some, this can account for 10 to 20 percent of their operating costs. As providers of commercial or owner operator truck insurance in Tennessee, we would like to share these five driving tips that will reduce your fuel costs.
Avoid Unnecessary Braking of Your Commercial or Owner Operator Truck
Brakes work by converting your rig’s energy of motion into heat. This energy of motion comes from your fuel, so the more you brake, the more fuel that gets converted into heat. Allow plenty of space in front of you so that when the traffic ahead slows down, you can let up on the gas instead of hitting your brakes. By the time you close the gap, the traffic will have sped up again and you won’t have to start from a complete stop.
Avoid Unnecessary Acceleration
Accelerating means stepping on the gas which uses fuel. Keep the speed of your commercial or owner operator truck as steady as possible. There is little point in going at a faster speed if you can’t maintain it because of slow traffic ahead.
Avoid Overfilling Your Rig with Fuel
Fuel expands when it’s heated by the engine and by fuel tanks warmed by the sun. Filling your tank to the brim allows no room for this expansion and causes the fuel to overflow which is a waste of gas.
Maintain the Tires of Your Commercial or Owner Operator Truck at the Proper Pressure
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, your fuel mileage drops 0.4 percent for every 1 psi of under inflation. Keeping your tires at the correct pressure also increase their life and your safety.
Keep Your Engine RPM Down
Driving with unnecessary high engine RPM wastes gas and wears out your engine. When cruising, stay in a high gear. Take advantage of down hills when accelerating your rig. This allows you to accelerate in a higher gear by going easy on the gas.
For more tips and information on affordable commercial or owner operator truck and rig insurance in Tennessee, contact us.