Underwriters commonly order annual insurance inspections on commercial accounts in order to make sure a policy is written correctly. They will typically utilize third-party inspectors to assess risks and the overall liability. Exterior and interior photos of the commercial truck may be obtained, and often a checklist is referenced for each inspection. The professionals at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC work hard to maintain strong relationships with their policyholders and their corporate underwriters in order to make sure insurance inspections are done correctly and with everyone’s best interest in mind.
Inspection Interview
An inspector will often contact a policyholder to set up an inspection time. It is important for the insured to be present at the inspection in order to answer all questions and address any potential concerns. Representatives from J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC can also always be contacted for assistance when it comes to going through the inspection process. Inspections are typically ordered for renewals or for new policies, but they can really occur at anytime. It does not mean anything is wrong, they are just done on behalf of underwriting to help better evaluate a policy and to make sure coverage is adequately in place.
The inspector will often check for the existence of an up-to-date fire extinguisher within the commercial truck. He or she will also ask general questions regarding: typical routes, mileage, cargo, driving record, etc.
Exterior Checklist
Insurance inspectors will often take photos while walking around the outside of a commercial truck. They will also survey the property where the vehicle is parked for long periods of time, and inquire about a vehicle’s general security. The age and condition of the commercial trucking unit will be noted, as well as the truck’s maintenance plan. An inspector will often take photos to show documentation of any noted wear, tear, or damage on the commercial vehicle. A photo of the VIN (vehicle identification number) will oftentimes be obtained.
Contact the professionals at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC with any and all questions regarding a trucking liability insurance inspection. Looking for commercial truck insurance? We provide commercial truck insurance in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Tennessee & Texas.