Commercial Truck Insurance Blog

Services and Safety at Truck Stops for Commercial Truck Drivers

Truck stops are an essential part of life on the road. They’re like oases in a desert — providing sustenance and rest for those driving long distances. Whether you need to refuel your commercial truck, grab something to eat, or take a quick nap, these places have become indispensable when traveling across highways and interstates. Truck stops give you the necessary tools to keep going […]

Advances in Technology: Enhancing Safety for Commercial Truck Drivers on the Road

Commercial truck drivers are constantly on the road—facing some of the most dangerous driving conditions, from costly maintenance and repairs to accidents and driver safety hazards. Ask any other commercial truck driver who has been behind the wheel for extended periods, and they will likely have something to share about a close call — or two! Plus, each kind of cargo carries its own distinct risk exposures.  […]

Challenges Impacting the Commercial Truck Industry Today:

The commercial truck industry plays a vital role in the global economy, facilitating the transportation of goods across vast distances. However, despite its significance, the industry faces numerous challenges that are currently impacting its growth and stability. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key factors hurting the commercial truck industry today and highlight J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC as the go-to provider […]

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