Commercial Truck Insurance Illinois

Preparing For And Surviving A DOT Compliance Audit

DOT Compliance Audit ―a phrase that has been known to cause fear in the minds and hearts of many. Whether you are in the midst of an IRS audit or an FMCSA audit, any type of audit can be a stressful and overwhelming process. In the trucking industry, everyone who has ever faced a DOT compliance audit can remember that first letter informing him/her that […]

Tips to Avoid Accidents When Driving a Commercial Vehicle

Driving a commercial vehicle can be scary. It takes longer to stop and more room to make your turns. Even worse, accidents that occur with an eighteen wheeler are more likely to be fatal than other accidents. For this reason, it is important that you drive carefully when you are behind the wheel. Though many of these accidents are simply that (an accident), the truth […]

Ensure Commercial or Owner-Operator Truck Maintenance

As a Georgia driver, your commercial truck is an important part of your livelihood. Regardless if you are operating a rig, semi-truck, or other commercial vehicles, you want to operate well, from the steering wheel down to your tires. Well-managed commercial truck or owner-operator maintenance programs are critically important.  Both company fleets and owner-operator trucks will experience neglect due to the rising demand for transporting […]

Tips to Drive Safely During Covid

Being a commercial truck driver can be a hard career. That has been especially true during this last year when Covid hit and things have changed. Drivers are considered essential, yet it is even more challenging to stay safe during this time.  However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some tips to stay safe during this difficult time. Take plenty of food […]

Tips to Get Truck Drivers To Take Better Care of Their Trucks

As a fleet owner, your trucks and equipment are very important. You need to do routine maintenance to make sure that they continue to last and perform as long as possible. However, you (and your mechanics) aren’t the only one dealing with them. Your drivers will spend more time with your trucks than you ever will. You are going to want to make sure that […]

More Tips to Get Your Fleet Business Started

If you are thinking about becoming a fleet business owner, you need to take time before you get started. You are going to need to really think about and plan your business before you buy your first vehicle.  Not sure where to start? Here are some more tips to get your fleet business started.  Be picky with your equipment. You need to make sure that you […]

Tips to Get Your Fleet Business Started

Becoming a fleet business owner is a big deal. It is important to take time to plan your business before jumping right in. You are going to need to make some big decisions before you purchase your first vehicle.  Not sure where to start? Here are some tips to get your fleet business started.  Make sure that you are ready to become a business person. There is […]

Tips to Save Money as a Fleet Owner

If you want to run a successful fleet business, you need to watch your money. You are going to want to be careful with where you spend your money, especially when you are first getting started.  Here are some tips to save money as a fleet owner.  Take care of your vehicles. Though maintenance can get costly, the truth is that it is much cheaper to […]

Tips to Stay Focused On Long Trips as a Commercial Truck Driver

While some drivers are home every night, others spend a few days on the road before they are able to come home. This can make for a few long days. It can also make it hard to stay focused. Here are some tips to help.  Do your best to get enough sleep. Though it can be hard to sleep when you are on the road, you […]

The Specifics of Commercial Truck Insurance and Bobtail Insurance

Commercial truck insurance is a well-packaged group of specified insurance policies designed to meet trucking business specifications. Unlike common commercial insurance covering the vehicle only in the occurrence of a calamity such as an accident, commercial truck insurance covers a range of perils. It not only covers when damages occur, but specialized commercial insurance extends to the cargo. Commercial truck insurance is quite dynamic to […]