Spring is finally here and although winter is a tougher time to drive, don’t let the warm spring weather fool you. Spring has plenty of hazards of its own for the commercial or owner operator truck driver. Watch for these four hazards:
Rain and Flooding
Although April showers bring May flowers, they also bring flooded roads and slippery pavement. Be easy on your braking when the roads are wet, otherwise wheels can lock up. Avoid turning and braking at the same time and maintain a longer following distance on wet pavement. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and have good tread to avoid hydroplaning on puddles.
Exercise caution when attempting to cross flooded roads. Although the commercial or owner operator truck has a weight and height advantage over cars, you don’t know if the pavement beneath the water is washed out or if there is a serious buildup of debris. Raging floods have washed out entire bridges and there is always the possibility of a downed power line in the water.
Damaged Roads
Water expands when it freezes. When water does this after seeping into cracks in the pavement, a lot of damage is done by the time spring has arrived. In addition to watching for damaged pavement, be ready for road construction zones as work crews do their repair work.
Hail Storms
Spring as well as summer can bring hail storms. Small ice pellets can quickly grow into larger ice balls, so slow down at the first sign of hail. Your forward speed adds to their impact velocity as they hit your windshield. Look out for cars parking off the side of the road as they wait out the storm. Storms may also bring strong winds which can readily tip over a commercial or owner operator truck that’s going too fast, especially when rounding curves. Be especially careful when pulling a lightly loaded trailer.
Watch for Animals
Animals emerging from hibernation actively feed during the spring. Since the roadside gets a lot of sun, it also sees lots of plant growth. This attracts foraging animals such as deer which are especially active during the dawn and twilight hours.
If you are looking for commercial or owner operator truck insurance in North Carolina that provides affordable rates for vehicles of all sizes, contact us at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC.