Earning more money without sacrificing your family time requires very deliberate use of your time. It means identifying the big time wasters and then working out ways to eliminate or minimize them. Experienced truck drivers don’t make more money in less time by accident. A lot of thought and planning goes into their job and they are very conscientious about managing their time effectively. Three tips that new commercial truck drivers in South Carolina can use to get more out of their day are discussed next.
Take Advantage Of A Truck Driver GPS System
A GPS system for truck drivers can help you save time in many ways. For starters, it helps you to get around without ever getting lost. A lot of time is saved simply by never losing your way. It can also select routes that best meet your requirements. These requirements might be the fastest route, the shortest route, the most fuel-efficient route, routes with the best rest stops, routes with the least traffic congestion, and so on.
Some systems allow you to input your truck’s dimensions and will pick a friendly route for your truck. You won’t have to worry about roads or bridges that are too small. GPS systems for truck drivers can identify gas stations along your route with the cheapest diesel fuel and can alert you to dangerous intersections or those with speed cameras.
Secure Your Overnight Parking Early
Don’t drive late into the night thinking you’ll somehow find a place to park when you need it. After about 7 PM, most of the parking at truck stops will have been taken and you will waste many hours driving around looking for a spot. This will cause you to either sleep less (which is never good) or get up later the next day.
Find a place to park early, get to sleep early, and start the next day early. The early start works to your advantage if you have to drive through a major metropolitan area because you’ll get through it well before the start of rush hour. Starting and ending your day early gives you the same hours of driving but with the added benefits we just discussed.
Avoid Traffic Congestion
Driving in stop-and-go traffic that averages 5 miles per hour is not a good use of your time. Choosing your overnight stops wisely as discussed previously helps you avoid morning rush hour traffic. When planning your routes, avoid congested areas altogether or plan your driving so that you avoid going through these areas during the worst times of the day. Use your GPS system to help you with this planning.
Use these time management tips to ensure that your time on the road is spent making money with minimal lost time. Looking for commercial or owner operator truck insurance? Contact us at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC.