We know that many of you cannot wait until the spring and summer seasons make their 2019 debut. We also know that there will be many fleets operating throughout the warm and hot weather. When the heat increases, it will mean the driving conditions for semis will change. When semis will be driven across the country on a consistent basis, the semi-truck will need to be able to handle the changing weather conditions. We encourage you to make sure you have a maintenance plan for your semi-truck so your business operations and your bottom line will not be negatively impacted.
Give Your Coolant System Some Attention
You may have had one or more experiences with an overheated engine, and the last thing you will want to happen is having a driver stranded on the side of the road in the middle of a transport. Engines can certainly overheat quicker during the hotter months, but this issue can be avoided. Remember to ensure your coolant system receives the attention it needs during these months. When the engines do not overheat, drivers can stay on the road and there will be no delays during the transport.
Avoid A Battery Breakdown
Batteries can break down for a variety of reasons, including excessive heat or excessive cold. When heat is a leading factor for battery breakdowns, the battery can be damaged easily and quickly due to corrosion. Do not forget to check the cables on your batteries for anything that may warrant a battery replacement. If you discover that you need to change the battery, this would be much better than being left on the side of the road due to a bad battery, right?
Keep Your Tires Inflated
Excessive heat can result in one or more tires being blown out during your daily transports. When your tires are blown out, this can result in more money being spent during repair and maintenance time. In order to avoid tires that are not inflated enough or inflated too much, make sure you check the pressure of the semi’s tires so you will not run into any issues along the way.
Before you know it, we will be enjoying the warmer weather and spending more time outdoors. Your business can stay on the road longer during these upcoming months when you remember to create a maintenance plan that will last. What steps will you take to ensure your semi will be properly maintained during the hotter weather?
Not only will you need to make sure you have a proper maintenance plan for your semi-truck moving forward, but you should also make sure you are fully equipped with the proper insurance. Contact us today for all your semi-truck insurance needs. Our team has all the resources you need to get you on the road for good this year. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska