Many commercial truck drivers spend hours behind the wheel. It can become quite monotonous and tiring. In fact, being tired is a big reason why there are so many accidents.
For this reason, you need to take care of yourself and realize when you need to pull over and take a break. Here are some signs that your body is ready for a rest.
- You are just driving without really thinking about it. In fact, you may be wondering how you got where you did because you don’t remember driving the last few miles.
- You can’t focus on driving. Your brain may be wondering and you can’t seem to focus on the road in front of you (and the other drivers around you).
- You can’t keep the truck and trailer in your lane. When you are tired, you may drift out of your lane. You may hit the rumble strips that may wake you up a little bit, but if you are tired enough, you will be back in another lane soon.
- You are struggling to keep your eyes open and your head up. You may feel like it is really hard to keep your eyes open to pay attention to the road. Even if you shut your eyes for a second, you are likely to be involved in an accident.
If you are struggling to pay attention to the road (and your surroundings), the best thing that you can do is to pull over safely. Even if you just get up to stretch your muscles, it will make a big difference when you hop back in your truck. Taking a brisk walk around your truck can really wake you up. If you are still struggling, a bathroom and coffee break might be called for.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.