When people think about truck dispatchers, they often think about people who help to arrange loads for owner-operators. Instead of driving back (or there) empty, they can help you find loads all over the country so that you aren’t wasting your time (or your fuel).
However, they can do much more than that for your business. Here are some other things that truck dispatchers can do.
They can help you manage your drivers and find them loads. If you have multiple drivers, it can be challenging to make sure that everyone has loads when they want (and need them). Your broker can help you manage their schedules and give them driving jobs when they are working. They can also be helpful by making sure that your drivers are home when they need to be.
They are also great in an emergency. As a driver, you are going to have some issues come up that your dispatcher can deal with. If the weather is going to be bad, your dispatcher can help you plan ahead. Same goes with traffic problems that may put you behind schedule. They can help to inform everyone who is going to be affected by the change in schedule.
Dispatchers are also qualified to help you with your paperwork (and deal with collections if needed). They can take care of all of the paperwork that you need when delivering and billing for a load. They can also help with processing payments and following up on late ones.
Though you may work with a dispatcher to make sure that you are always busy, they can also help you with your other drivers. It can be challenging to figure out who is working when so you may end up leaving it up to your dispatcher. They can also help you with your paperwork, leaving you more time behind the wheel.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.