**A few questions you need to ask yourself when purchasing Truck Insurance**
1.Does the insurance agent specialize in truck insurance?
2.Why did the insurance agent only give you one option for your truck insurance?
3. Is the policy a true Trucker’s policy or a Business Auto policy?
4. Are all truck coverage’s with one insurance company?
5.What is the company’s A.M. Best Rating?
6. Does the truck coverage offered include: Pollution Coverage, Earned Freight Charges, Gap Coverage, Cargo Co-Insurance Provisions, Combined Deductible?
7. Were you offered and explained optional limits of truck coverage for your business?
8. Is the company flexible in their underwriting procedures for your truck company?
9. Who will be handling your truck claims?
10. Is the price that you are quoting me a firm figure, or will there be additional (hidden)
costs during the term of this truck policy?
Truck Insurance can be an expensive purchase when you are starting out in the industry. Make sure you are purchasing truck insurance that will cover your business in case of the worst case scenario of an accident. Price should be a factor but not the deciding factor in your trucking business.