Although tornadoes can happen at any time of the year, in Texas tornado season is generally from the months of March through August. It is certainly not an uncommon sight to see many tornadoes occur at one time. As a commercial truck driver or owner operator in Texas, you are on the road for a significant period of time.
Proper owner operator and bobtail insurance during these Texas tornadoes can keep you protected.
You have to drive in good weather and in bad weather to earn money to support yourself and your family. Since you have to drive to earn a living, no matter the weather, the time, or the day, you are always faced with a possibility of danger.
Listed below are some of the signs that a tornado is occurring, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- The sky is dark
- A roar that sounds like a freight train
- A low-lying cloud
- Large hail
One of the things you should remember when you are driving your commercial or owner operator truck is that you should not try to beat the tornado. You should also avoid trying to hide under an overpass. Trying to seek shelter under an overpass is not one of the best places to hide, it is actually one of the places no one should hide.
When you are on the road and a tornado is occurring, you will want to stay as far away from other vehicles as possible. Any vehicle can be picked up in the middle of a tornado, yes, even your commercial truck.
If possible, you should try to avoid being on the highway during bad weather. If this is not possible, then you should always remain prepared. When you have to drive through various cities, you should know what the weather is going to be like so you can pack the right things.
It can be very frightening when you are caught up in bad weather, especially a tornado. When you take the necessary preparations and you remain aware of the surroundings you will enter into, you can save yourself from any injuries or a possible death. Always be aware of what could happen and know how to protect yourself.