Commercial truck drivers can spend days and weeks on the road. Many remain single because it can be hard to have a relationship with someone who doesn’t deal with the same lifestyle as you do. However, there are many that have a good spouse at home. They may have a family at home that they are providing for, yet they have to spend all of that time away from them.
Because of that, many deal with homesickness and loneliness on a daily basis. Here are some tips on how to deal with that as a truck driver.
Don’t ignore your feelings. There is nothing wrong with feeling homesick. In fact, it happens to almost everyone who leaves their home for days at a time. It is really common in truck drivers, so you shouldn’t ignore the way that you feel. If you do, it will just keep getting worse.
Make it a point to stay connected with those that you love. There are many ways to stay connected in this day in age. Especially when you think about years ago, you now have no reason not to talk to your loved ones on a regular basis. You can talk, text, and even video chat, with just a cell phone! This will allow you to stay close with your spouse and your children, no matter how far away you are.
Have your loved ones write you letters to read while you are away. This can be a fun way to feel connected to your loved ones. If they all write you a letter (or write multiple ones), this can give you a chance to feel close to them. You may want to do the same for them, after you realize how nice it is to be missed.
If you are missing something special, make sure that someone records it. You may be able to live stream certain events, but if that is not possible because you are driving, ask someone to record the special occasions that you may be missing. Recitals, concerts, and ball games can all be watched when you are safely on the side of the road (or stopped for the night). Make sure that you let your children know how proud of them that you are, after you watch these.
If you have younger children, you may want to bring something of theirs along with you on the road. If they can spare a stuffed animal or other toy, you may want to take it along with you. Even more fun and special, you may want to take pictures of that toy at multiple places while you are out driving. If you stop by a national park, take a picture of the toy with the view. Stopping at a neat little diner? Snap a photo to send home. This will really make your children feel special (and give them something to talk about with their friends)!
That being said, you may also want to bring other mementos of home to keep by your side. It may help to have pictures in your bunk to look at when you are lonely. You may also want to bring something that reminds you of them, such as a little gift that they may have picked up for you. Decorate your truck so that it feels like home. Use the same sheets that you have on your bed at home. Bring your favorite blanket along to give you comfort.
Spend time with other truckers. Many trucker congregate at truck stops, so why don’t you join them. If you see someone eating dinner by him (or her) self, ask if you can eat together. You may even find yourself in the company of the same people on a regular basis. Make friends and do things together when you are off of the clock.
Make the most of your time off. When you are home with your family, be with them. Put your phone down. Turn the television off, and really spend some time together. Plan small trips together. Go to the zoo or the aquarium. Go out to eat. However, you also don’t have to go anywhere or do anything special to make the most of your time at home. Just eat dinner together. Take a walk outside. Watch the stars together.
Take care of yourself. The best thing that you can do as a trucker is to take care of yourself. You need to be healthy to continue to work, and enjoy the time at home with your family. So, make sure that you are eating as well as you can, even when you are on the road. Hit a diner instead of going straight to fast food. Find ways to exercise and stay in shape. Take walks at truck stops, as well as home with your family.
Being homesick is a part of driving that most people don’t talk about. However, that doesn’t mean that it is not common. It happens more than you can imagine. For that reason, you may want to say it out loud. You will never realize how many other drivers feel the same way that you do. So, when you are on the road, make sure that you stay connected to your family. Call, text, and video chat as often as you can. Have your loved ones record special events, so you can watch them when you have a break.
You should also bring things from home to keep by your side. If you were in an office, you would have photographs of your family. This is no different. Keep some photographs close by. If you have younger children, you may even want to bring one of their special toys along to take pictures of your adventures. This will really make your children’s day (and yours too)! This can be a really fun way to stay connected with your young ones.
Contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance agency needs. We are proud to offer insurance in 9 states, including Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Tennessee.