Spring is in the air and so is the tax season. When it comes to tax deductions for commercial truck drivers, you may be confused about what items are actually deductible. Commercial truck drivers stand to benefit greatly from the deductions that have been put in place by Uncle Sam. If you choose to prepare your taxes yourself you need to be aware of exactly what deductions apply to you. Whether you are an owner operator or drive for a company, commercial truck drivers are in a special tax class. A long list of items to consider are ATM fees, parking and toll fees, motels, commercial truck insurance and basically any item that you purchase for or related to your truck will be deductible. Some truck drivers can receive a standard meal allowance and qualify for a tax deduction on their home. It is important to have a system in place to organize all your receipts you will have during your year on the road. One option is an accountant that specializes in trucking. There are several options you can find on the internet from the Truckers Accountant www.truckersaccountant.com to a Trucker Tax Service at www.truckertaxservice.com. Just remember to keep you receipts organized all year for a successful tax season!