The Illinois Trucking Association is proud to offer two Fleet Manager certification courses in Joliet, IL the weekend of March 9 through March 13, 2020. Their offerings include NATMI’s Motor Fleet Safety Basics, scheduled to begin on March 9, and Managing Motor Fleet Safety Programs, starting on March 11. The certification exams will happen on March 13.
Illinois Fleet Certifications: The CSS and CDS Fleet Safety Certification Courses
Per the North American Transportation Management Institute (NATMI) entry form these courses are “applicable toward NATMI’s nationally recognized, university accredited certification programs.”
These courses are the first step toward earning a credential that will make you a more competent professional, earn industry recognition and give credibility towards any future court testimonies.
The Motor Fleet Safety Basics Course
This “Fleet Safety 101” class will provide training on effective implementation of safety-related policies and procedures.
- It’s required for NATMI’s safety certification program.
- It’s perfect for small fleet managers and experienced safety professionals looking for a refresher on technical issues.
Topics will include DOT / OSHA recordkeeping issues, safety training, driver retention and more.
The Managing Motor Fleet Safety Courses
Designed with current and future transportation safety directors in mind, this course will provide the vision and skills needed to manage an effective safety program. Participants will learn how to “sell” effective safety programs to top management, and how to foster a corporate culture that focuses on safety.
Topics will include employee injury / illness management, and safety program implementation, will an emphasis on safety as a good business practice.
To Register for CSS and CDS Fleet Safety Certification courses in Illinois, email [email protected], or print the entry form linked above.
J.E.B. Insurance: Providing Insurance for Illinois Fleets
At J.E.B. Insurance LLC, we’re proud to provide fleet insurance for Illinois based fleets of tow trucks and big rigs. As insurance professionals in Illinois, we understand the need for quality safety training among fleet managers and fleet supervisors, and our focus is safety too! Contact us today for a free IL fleet insurance quote! We also offer Fleet insurance in Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina and South Carolina.