If you are looking for auto insurance coverage, it is vital to be aware of all your options.
Physical damage insurance covers sources of danger, such as accidents as well as theft and fire. The policy is not an all under one roof policy and includes only comprehensive and collision coverage policies.
Without this insurance policy, you will have to incur all the repair costs after a given number of covered accidents.
The physical damage coverage provides extensive protection for requests for compensation from unfortunate covered mishaps resulting from the following;
- Floods
- Hail
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Fire
- Collision
However, the policy is considered incomplete, and you still have to get an additional policy for extra protection.
Below are some of the aspects that are not covered by physical damage insurance.
- Lost income in case you miss work
- Medical expenses for all injured individuals
- Stolen property from your vehicle
- Damages to other cars after a crash
- Legal fees in case you a suit is filed against you after an accident
Some car lenders require proof of physical damage policy before lending or leasing out a car to you. In such a case, it is mandatory for you to have the physical damage policy.
However, if the entity leasing out the car does not require the physical damage policy, then you are free to decide whether to have it or not.
In such a scenario, you do not have to pay for the comprehensive aspect of the physical damage insurance if the value of your car has reduced to a great extent.
Our insurance experts can help you choose the right physical insurance coverage. Contact us to get a quote on a wide range of coverage at affordable rates. Our services are available in Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nebraska, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, and Iowa.